Wednesday, August 31, 2011

our first two nights

well, we finally moved in! and i have spent the last two nights having nightmares about rats marching around the house. in my dreams, the rats are wearing capes and crowns. when we first moved in, there was rat poop in the kitchen, and we heard several squeaks that sean keeps telling me weren't rats. yeah right. michael is coming over tonight to help us strategize on how to win this war.

we have been having such a hard time sleeping because our a/c doesn't work. to-do list item #1: get a/c working so we can survive this 110 degree heat! the dogs were even stir crazy last night before they plopped down right in front of the fan. they're no idiots!

 despite the rats and the no a/c, we are loving our new home. cheers to no longer having roommates!

Monday, August 22, 2011

our new home

so this blog started out as a space for me to collect pictures of houses that i loved in the hopes that some day sean and i would build our own home. the plan has somewhat changed as it always does. we just recently purchased our first home together. it has already been quite the fiasco, so im not expecting anything less when we move in. the house needs a lot of work, which is what we wanted. in all the weeks of waiting for our house, i decided that i wanted to keep a blog of all the work that we do on the house. so here it goes ... starting with pictures as it is right now.

wish us luck!