he's been loving it, but it's oh so time consuming. which has left us only sundays to relax, so there hasn't been much work going on. we've got a few small things...
i made bagels and homemade veggie cream cheese
we have done some gardening projects and i have an update on how things are looking outside. spring came and went around here.
as you can see, i've planted, raked, and replanted grass seed many times. lovely little patches. this is my latest attempt to keep the dogs off.
above: watermelon
above: pumpkins
above: herb box
we also hosted a birthday brunch for one of my best friend's stephy. and i picked up this steal from ikea in preparation. $100 for a table, two chairs and a bench.
in the upcoming weeks we'll be aiming to finish our bedroom. i can't believe it's been this long and we haven't done anything. i've put up vaseline on the construction adhesive, so in about a week we can start scraping away.
and there's a chance that you'll get a sweet photo of us both wearing overalls knee deep in insulation and rat poop soon. the ac duct work in our attic needs replacing, and sean's pretty much convinced me that we can do it (and save about $1700) in a weekend. i'm really going to have to put my big girl pants on for this one, the attic is pretty much no man's land to me still.